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 Library from IGU to village school

Istanbul Gelisim University (IGU) Education Support Coordinatorship established a library in Şehit Erdoğan Erişik Primary School in Aşağısevindikli Village.

Istanbul Gelisim University (IGU) Education Support Coordinatorship continues to produce projects to ensure quality education in regions where access to educational opportunities is limited with the vision of supporting Qualified Education, which is one of the 17 Global Goals determined by the United Nations.

In order to determine a village school away from the center and with limited opportunities, Istanbul Gelisim University established a library in the village school with the guidance of Tekirdağ Provincial Directorate of National Education, Tekirdağ Province, Muratlı District, Aşağısevindikli Village Şehit Erdoğan Erişik Primary School Principal Arzu Kara.

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