Scoliosis is the right, left or three-dimensional curvature of the spine. The curve may make the spine look like “S” shape or “C” shape instead of a straight line when viewed from the back. Scoliosis can also rotate the spine. This may cause the shoulder or waist to appear irregular.
Signs of scoliosis in your child:
Uneven shoulder levels and shoulder blade
Unequal distance between arms and body
Irregular waist levels
Spine hump
Lower back hump (also known as back pain)
More than normal roundness when viewed from the side
Approximately 2 to 3 percent of children have scoliosis. Most children can only be corrected with exercise. Some children may experience serious problems later in life if left untreated. A curve in the spine may rapidly deteriorate in youth.
When scoliosis is detected early, it is best treated. It is important that your child conduct a posture analysis by trained scanners created by doctors or physiotherapists at school or at a hospital. When scoliosis is detected early, it is possible to treat with exercise.
How do I know if my child has scoliosis?
Posture analysis is the best way to find out if your child has scoliosis.
These scans can be done at your child's school.
Posture analysis is simple, painless and short-lived.
Possible scoliosis can be detected with posture analysis.
What if there is a suspicion of scoliosis?
Children with scoliosis symptoms based on primary school screening may need to go to a physician if necessary.
Some children and adolescents require a follow-up of six months or a year.
Generally, during the examinations or when a scoliosis is detected, exercises are taught under the supervision of a physiotherapist.
Surgery may be necessary if the degree of scoliosis is 40 degrees or higher.
Fatma Eda Yeniçeri, PT.
Pelin Tiryaki, PT, MSc.