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 School of Health Sciences -

Physical Therapy And Rehabilitation

 Physiotherapists with CP met with IGU students

Two physiotherapists, Simay Atıcı and Selcen Kankul, who had cerebral palsy, came together at the event “To Become a Physiotherapist in the Fight Against CP” organized by the Physiotherapy Club of Istanbul Gelisim University. Two physiotherapists who have been struggling with CP for many years now work as physiotherapists for patients with CP.

Patients with Cerebral Palsy (CP), known as paralysis of brain, hold on to life through special education and physiotherapy support. With early diagnosis and treatment, many patients can hold on to life. Simay Atıcı and Selcen Kankul are among these patients. Now they are physiotherapists to patients with cerebral palsy like themselves.

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