School of Health Sciences -

Nutrition And Dietetics (English)

 ‘The Best Educator’ award to American professor working in Turkey

The conference organized by the National Association of Early Childhood Teacher Educators in America (NAECTE), which brings together childhood educators from all over the world to connect, collaborate and learn together, ends today. the American professor William Mosier attended the conference from Turkey is returned with an award. The "Outstanding Teacher Educator Award in Early Childhood" was given to Moiser for his services in the field of child development.

American Professor William Mosier, an academician at Istanbul Gelisim University (IGU), attended a conference organized by the National Association of Early Childhood Teacher Educators in America that brings together childhood educators from all over the world to connect, collaborate and learn together. At the conference, Mosier won the "Outstanding Early Childhood Teacher Educator Award" for his services in the field of child development.
Prof. Mosier won the award for 20 years of being a professor of child development with consistently maximum scores on student evaluations of his courses.
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