School of Health Sciences -
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 School of Health Sciences -

Nutrition And Dietetics (English)

 Palaeolithic Diet

Palaeolithic diet, more known as the Stone Age Diet In Turkey; sugar, flour and starch; foods containing this type of food, ready-packed products are avoided.

Vegetables are usually consumed as raw, while those to be cooked are consumed by steaming.

Basic principles of diet;
•     Vegetable, fruit, kefir, walnut, hazelnut, almond (unprocessed and without salt added),
•     All meats; duck, chicken, turkey, egg, fish, seafood,
•     Olive oil and canola oil are free.
•     Vegetables with high starch content such as corn, potatoes, carrots and beans should be consumed very little.
•     Strawberries, blackberries and fruits such as cherry, glycemic index and glycemic load are low for 1-2 portions per day can be consumed.
•     Raw food should constitute at least 60% of the total diet.
•     Vegetables that need to be cooked etc. foods should be steamed.
•     Energy is not a limited diet. Free food can be consumed until satiated.

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