School of Health Sciences -
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 School of Health Sciences -

Healthcare Management

 Pandemic in the world may increase income inequality

Stating that according to the World Inequality Database, the income group in the bottom 50 percent in terms of income inequality has a share between 9 and 10 percent, Asst. Prof. Dr. Onur Özdemir: “Pandemic can cause a global increase in income inequality.”

The coronavirus pandemic hit the world economies deeply. Stating that the information obtained from the World Inequality Database shows that the shares from the total income has improved for the bottom 50 percent, but this increase is very limited for the losses of the current income group over the years, Asst. Prof. Dr. Onur Özdemir from Istanbul Gelisim University said: “Considering these indicators, taking into account the current economic developments, the question to be asked in terms of the future is how the income inequality will continue. In addition, it should be assumed that the social, political and cultural components, as well as the economic factors of the current problem, are in a determining position.”