School of Health Sciences -
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 School of Health Sciences -

Healthcare Management

 In which sector health Managers can be employed?

Health is a concept that is of a great importance for each individual and which is shaping the future of the societies in micro or macro aspects.

The fact that health is of such importance, causes need of qualified professionals who will serve on behalf of this sector. In this context, the matter of management of the health sector becomes the main topic and professional health managers who had undergraduate education in this domain are needed. Accordingly, graduates of health management department can be employed in hospitals and health institutions both in public and private health sectors.

Graduates of the department; find employment opportunities in the Ministry of Health, health insurance departments of institutions  such as Social Security Institution, public hospitals, university and foundation hospitals, pharmaceutical companies, companies importing medical supplies and equipment, industrial companies producing medical equipment,  health tourism companies, clinics, monitoring centers, laboratories, insurance and reassurance companies, universities, education and consultancy companies and in much more domains.