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 School of Health Sciences -

Child Development

 What is Mental Health ?

Mental health, Psychoanalytic theory, balance between id-ego-superego, A.Adler, do not approach problems correctly, E.Erikson, the problems encountered in adolescence and after the adjustment is important in adapting, Behaviorists, on the other hand, argue that harmonious behavior is health. Humanistic theorists, C.Rogers, ”tendency to realize”, A.Maslow examined the ”self-actualization eğilim motive in relation to mental health. In existentialist theory, human life is perceived as meaningful to find life meaningful.

        The World Health Organization (WHO) defines health as oluş physical, spiritual and social well-being sağ (2004). Health generally means goodness and strength of the body and mind. It is not true that health is not just sick or taking any absence of disability. Life is an effort to adapt to the environment of living creatures.  
        Compliance, ile A state of equilibrium where there is no stimulation change between the organism and the environment, “To organize behaviors in a way that will preserve the integrity of the self structure and, on the other hand, to cope with environmental conditions” Maktad (Heath, 1965; Akt: Geçtan, 2013; Hançerlioğlu, 1988). The term Ruh abnormal kiş is used for people without mental health. Since the normal structure and functions of the body are known, physical diseases are easy to identify. However, there is no model that can be accepted for normality at psychological level. There is no clear line between “normal çizgi and” abnormal “behavior.
        It is suggested that there are 7 criteria to describe a behavior as u abnormal (Butcher et al., 2008). These criteria are as follows.
1-Sadness or inadequacy: The individual feels sorry for himself or cannot perform a function. This situation brings risks such as physical and psychological deterioration.
2-Incompatibility: Behaviors that do not contribute to the personal happiness of the individual which interferes with their goals or which interfere with the aims of others and the needs of society are also found.
3-Unhappiness: The individual behaves in a way that is unreasonable or not understand by others.
4-Unpredictability: The individual is unpredictable or behaves differently from situation to situation.
5-Statistically rare: Behavior of the individual rarely or disrupting social standards.
6-Observer disorder: The individual creates disturbing situations in his / her environment, which may cause others to feel threatened or anxious.
7-Destruction of moral and ideal standards: The individual does not behave respectfully to social norms (Akt; Gerrig and Zimbardo, 2012).
People who are considered to be abnormal are usually feeling and behaving in the same way.
These counts can be seen in every person. However, in a person who can be considered abnormal, these characteristics usually have the following characteristics:
- Continuous or repetitive,
- Preventing the efficient work of the individual,
- Disruption of interpersonal relations (Öztürk and Uluşahin, 2011).
In a changing period of time in which the individual is going through his life; He maintains an intense network of relationships with his work, his family and his close circle, and the society in which he lives. If you have balance, harmony and satisfaction within these relationships, it can be said that the individual is healthy (Ünlüoğlu, 2000).
Features of Mental Health Residents
-Real Normal Detection: They are quite realistic in evaluating what is happening around them.
-Self-Recognition: They are aware of their own motives and emotions.
-The Capability of Providing a Supervisory Control over the Acts: People who have mental health behave instinctively, they can control their sexual and aggressive impulses when necessary.
- Confidence and Acceptance: They think that they are accepted by people around them. They are comfortable when they are with others, and behave as if they are social.
- Ability to establish a linguistic relationship: They are capable of entering close and satisfying relationships with others. They are sensitive to the emotions of others, they do not make excessive demands from others for their needs.
-Productive: They can direct their skills to productive activities. They are enthusiastic about life. Chronic energy deficiency and fatigue are predisposed mostly to the psychological consequences of unresolved problems. (Atkinson vd., 1990).
      Psychoanalytic theorists discussed the balance between sağ id, ego, superego ere as a measure of mental health.
İd: is the source of innate desire and spiritual energy. He wants requests and requests to be instantly. In infants, id dominates. They expect their needs to be met immediately. Id is effective throughout life, in selfish and pleasure-seeking behavior.
Ego: is the manager who needs to make high-level decisions. Children and adults have an ego and superego as well as id.
Superego: the latest develops. It occurs when the children solve the Oedipus complex and identify with their parents. Supergo is the way of society to provide order. (Miller, 2008).
       To be able to use the abilities of the individual, to cope with difficult situations, Mental health, which can be described as being productive, productive, it also includes being productive to the society in which it lives. The spiritual development of the child is a whole, the period develops, however, each period will have a positive or negative effect on the next period. Knowledge of childhood is important for the diagnosis of incompatibilities. ”The temperament and behavior style of the individual, which is defined as the behavior style of the individual and the ili self-perception and perception style of man“, have important effects on mental health. In recent years, the risk factors that affect the development and mental health of the child negatively and the protective factors expressing the ability to cope with these factors are emphasized. In particular, the protective effects of a trusting, supportive family environment are indisputable.
Atkinson, R. L., Atkinson, R.C., Smith, E. E ., Bem, D.J ve Hoeksema, S.N. (1999) Psikolojiye Giriş. Yavuz Alagon (Çev.) (s. 475-530). Ankara: Arkadaş
Geçtan, E. (2013). Psikodinamik Psikiyatri ve Normadışı Davranışlar. İstanbul: Metis
Gerig, R. J., Zimbardo , P.G.(2012) Psikolojiye Giriş. Psikoloji ve Yaşam. Gamze Sarı (Çev) 19. Basım Ankara: Nobel
Hançerlioğlu, O.(1988). Ruhbilim Sözlüğü. İstanbul: Remzi
Miller, P.H. (1988). Theories of Development Psychologyal (Third Edition). New York: W.H.Freeman and Company
Öztürk, O., Uluşahin, A.(2011) Ruh Sağlığı ve Bozuklukları 1.11. Baskı. İstanbul: Nobel.
Ünlüoğlu, G. (2000). Ruh Sağlığı ve Boyutları. Işık Sayıl (Ed) Ruh Sağlığı ve Hastalıkları (s.7-23). Ankara:Antıp
WHO. (2004). WHO Promoting Mental Health . Geneva : World Health Organization