Alternatıve Approaches In Chıld Educatıon
Different approaches and practices in pre-school education have been criticized. Defenders of the classical education approach think that different practices are insufficient and the educational environment and teacher qualifications make it difficult to implement. On the other hand, studies have found that these practices are more effective than classical education. In 1907, Montessori's child-centered practices pioneered other approaches.
Waldorf Approach
The Waldorf Approach, which is an alternative approach to classical education, has a hundred-year history. Despite all criticism, it is still up to date. All of the approaches emerged in the world were affected by the period they lived. Especially in the early 1900s, the advanced industry and the mass production of factories changed the understanding of workforce. The workforce is not just men, The provision of the family from women and the emergence of new needs. Therefore, the first Waldorf school was opened in 1919 at the Waldorf-Astoria cigarette factory in Stuttgart, Germany to meet the need. It was founded by Rudolf Steiner, who was invited by Emil Molt, to educate the children of workers (Edwards,2002). Today, the Waldorf preschool education approach is active in many countries around the world. In Istanbul in Turkey continues its on April İmece Kindergarten school education. (IASWECE, 2014). In the Waldorf approach, the answer to the question una What does the child want to learn? Wald is sought. The Waldorf approach is a child-centered, developmental method. The Waldorf approach focuses on the development and education of children under seven years of age and the aesthetic perception of children. (Walsh ve Petty, 2007). Thought, sincerity and intuition it is balanced and a game-based training program is offered. During the day, the program is prepared considering the total development of children. In this program, drama, art, music, such as activities are planned. Particular attention is paid to the development of academic skills in art work. The order in the classroom is organized in both mixed age and single age groups. (Hughes, 2013). According to the approach, instead of imposing on the child, priority is given to the studies that will enable the child to realize himself / herself. In the Waldorf approach, the child takes a journey to discover the world he lives in. After these discoveries, the child takes responsibility in daily life and creates a healthy environment. Waldorf approach; from simple to complex, from concrete to abstract thinking, to have information about the world's cultural heritage, revealing children's abilities, includes support of interests and skills and includes values such as courtesy, sharing, solidarity and respect (Bayhan ve Bencik, 2008; Nicholson, 2000). In the Waldorf approach, the play is considered to be the child's un real work Wald. (Foster, 1984; Kurtulmuş, 2013). The goals in the Waldorf approach are helical and holistic. The activities carried out support all development areas and the density of the activities is determined according to the development of the child.
Montessori Approach
Dr. Training model created by Maria Montessori, In line with the interests of children, supporting the development of children, offering freedom to children, self-discovery and development of self-control in children Program; daily life skills, mathematics, sensory education, phased material groups for language and universal education; and It consists of individual or small group studies. Montessori's philosophy of education Jean Jacques Rousseau, Pestalozzi was influenced by the philosophy of important researchers such as Frobel, Itard and Seguin. Jean Jacques Rousseau (1712-1778) who advocates naturalness education should not limit people, be self-sufficient and strong. For the children to be happy, the feeling of freedom and curiosity should be encouraged. (Rousseau, 2013). Frobel (1782-1852) defended children's freedom of movement and opened the first kindergarten in Germany under the name Bah Children's Garden çocuklar. He has developed increasingly difficult materials. Maria Montessori, by developing the methods of Froebel, designed materials and opened educational institutions under the name geliştir Children's Houses Maria. (Armytage, 1952; Çakıroğlu-Wilbrandt, 2011; Durakoğlu, 2010; Hardy, 1917; Palmer, 1912; Potts, 2007; Stevens, 1912; Wilson, 1967). Although Montessori was influenced by many philosophers and educators, he did research based on long-term observations and experiments. The Montessori approach is not a ”method”, but a systematic, gradual, objective, observational and realistic “preparation for life“ philosophy (Durakoğlu, 2010; McBroom, 1965; Stevens, 1912).
Hıghscope Approach
It was created as a program for children of disadvantaged families in the early 1960s. (Hohmann ve Weikart, 2000; Weikart ve Schweinhart, 2005). David is one of the pioneers of the program. P. Weikart, aiming to provide a solution to the poor students in the region, with the Perry Preschool Education Project initiated in 1962, to make a successful decision. HighScope Education Research Foundation (2014) (High) and long-term goals (Scope) The name ır HighScope c is described by Holt (2007) in terms of the expected level of individual achievement for children (High) and the scope of the experience proposed to reach this level (Scope). The program is the child's own plan, applied in-depth thinking completely participates in the active participation of the student. The child starts learning. The child wants to learn. (Hohmann ve Weikart, 2000; Morrison, 1998; Weikart ve Schweinhart, 2005). Today, the HighScope Program deals with 0-3 years and 3-5 years of age for pre-school education.
Reggio Emilia Approach
In the 1960s, when Reggio started new construction, other philosophies were used in the world. The views of important sources such as Montessori, Piaget, Dewey, Vygotsky and Bronfenbrenner were examined and adapted to the Reggio Emilia approach. The most important feature of the program did not limit education to the ideas of the theorists of development and psychology. It is enriched by the views of artists, writers, scientists, historians and poets. (Thornton ve Brunton, 2009)
Armytage, W.H.G. (1952). Friedrich Froebel: A centennial appreciation. History of Education Journal, 3 (4), 107-113.
Durakoğlu, A. (2010). Maria Montessori`ye göre çocuğun doğası ve eğitimi. Yayımlanmamış doktora tezi, Gazi Üniversitesi Eğitim Bilimleri Enstitüsü, Ankara.
Edwards, C.P. (2002). Three Approaches from Europe: Waldorf, Montessori, and Reggio Emilia, Early Childhood Research ve Practice 4(1)
Foster, S.W. (1984). An Introduction to Waldorf Education, The Clearing House, 57(5):228-230.
Hughes, S.F. (2013). Romancing Children Into Delight: Promoting Children`s Happiness In The Early Primary Grades, (Yayımlanmamış Doktora Tezi) Doctor of PhilosophyQueen`s University Kingston, Ontario.
Hohmann, W. ve Weikart, D. P. (2000). Küçük çocukların eğitimi: Okul öncesi ve çocuk bakım programları için etkin öğrenme uygulamaları. Sibel Saltiel Kohen ve Ülfet Öğüt (Çev.). İstanbul: Hisar Eğitim Vakfı.
IASWECE. (2014). Kindergartens and Early Childhood Programs,
Nicholson, D. W. (2000). Layers of experience: Forms of Representation in a Waldorf School Classroom, Journal of Curriculum Studies, (32)4:575-587
Rousseau, J.J. (2013). Emile ya da çocuk eğitimi üzerine (M. Baştürk, ve Y. Kızılçim, Çev.). İkinci baskı. Ankara: Kilit Yayınları.
Walsh, B.A ve Petty, K. (2007). Frequency of Six Early Childhood Education Approaches: A 10-Year Content Analysis of Early Childhood Education Journal, (34)5:301-305.