The level of development of countries is closely related to Women's Health and Infant and Child Mortality. Therefore, comparisons are made between these countries. In the world, more than 300 million women become pregnant, 529 000 maternal deaths and 68 000 maternal deaths are caused by unhealthy miscarriages. Women encounter unintended or unplanned pregnancies, 110 women experience complications related to pregnancy, and 40 women experience dangerous miscarriages. 1% of these deaths occur in developed countries and 99% in developing countries. (DSÖ,2013). Effective health service offered during pregnancy is important in preventing the complications that may occur, during delivery and after birth, without any problems. Conduct of labor in an unsuitable environment can create many problems and may adversely affect the health of mother-newborn. It should be given by specialist health personnel in the field of birth. The diseases experienced in women are the most important factor that disrupts the quality of life. Among the causes of the disease load 15-44 age group; The burden on reproductive diseases is three times higher in women than men. One fifth of the burden of disease in this age group occurs due to maternal causes. (Akın ve Özvarış, 2012).
Reproductive Diseases
- A couple of 120 million
- Interfil double (60-80 million)
-Mom deaths 585 thousand
- Severe maternal disease (per year) 20 million
-Perinatal infant death (per year) 7.2 million
-HIV / AIDS 45 million
- New HIV infection case (per year) 2,75 million
- Low (in years) 20 million
- Case of sexually transmitted disease (per year) 333 million
- 2 million women with invasive cervical cancer
-New cervical cancer case (per year) 450 thousand
-General mutilation women (female genital mutilation) 135 million
Kaynak: Akın ve Özvarış, 2012.
In order to improve the health of women rapidly, health services should be provided with quality. Women's nutrition, income and education need to be improved. In order to achieve long-term improvement, it is recommended that women's empowerment and status should be increased by ensuring equality of women and men. (KSGM, 2011). In 2013 the world population is about 7 billion. The population is expected to be about 10 billion in 2050, of which 2.4 billion will be under 18 years of age (Unicef, 2015). 1.4`ik percent annual population growth in Turkey, which is İsveç`T to 0.5`. Turkey's population structure shows transition towards the pyramidal shape of the barrel. Turkey than life expectancy at 76 years (74 for men, 79 years for women) (Turkey Statistical Institute, 2015). Looking at rural-urban differentiation, the proportion of children under the age of 15 and the elderly population is higher in rural areas than in urban areas (T.C. Sağlık Bakanlığı, Sağlık İstatistikleri Yıllığı, 2013). Various studies are carried out to protect, maintain and improve child health. Some of the initiatives to reduce infant and under-5 child mortality are the World Summit for Children (1990), the United Nations Special Session on Children (2002), the World Health Organization (WHO) in the 21st Century, and the United Nations Millennium Development Goals. (Unicef, 1991; Unicef, 2003; United Nations- The Millennium Development Goals, 2014; WHO, 1999). In the joint decisions taken in these initiatives to reduce child mortality:
- Increasing congestion,
- Reduction of communicable diseases,
- Planning of births,
- Reduction of unwanted pregnancies
-Increasing basic education without gender discrimination
- There are actions to increase investments in education and health.
Nutrition During Pregnancy
Cell differentiation is extremely fast in the first weeks of embryo development before the diagnosis is made. Any abnormal cell division occurring during this period cannot be corrected in later stages. If the pregnancy is not yet diagnosed but embryonic development is very important, the mother may not be able to meet the needs of the mother and the baby. Therefore, adequate and balanced nutrition of all women in the reproductive age positively affects fetus development. (Williamson, 2006).
Breastfeeding of infants is of great importance in preventing death due to inadequate nutrition. Breast milk protects the baby against respiratory infections, gastroenteritis, meningitis, urinary tract infections and many other mycotic and viral infections and chronic diseases and provides optimal growth and development.
Growth and Development in Children
Growth occurs as a result of cell division and differentiation. Development is defined as the positive change in the functions of the growing organism in the cells, structure and composition of the tissues. Growth and development are the most important measure of healthy nutrition especially in children (Şanlıer ve Ersoy, 2004). The baby's growth rate can be monitored periodically by monitoring the body weight according to age at an early age. For this, the World Health Organization (WHO) `s (WHO, 2006) or to Turkey with special growth curves are used. (Neyzi ve ark.,2008).
Akın, A. & Özvarış, Ş. B. (2015). Kadın Sağlığı/ Üreme Sağlığı ve Aile Planlaması. Güler Ç, Akın L. (editörler), Halk Sağlığı Temel Bilgiler, Hacettepe Üniversitesi Yayınları, Ankara.
Neyzi, O., Günöz, H., Furman, A., Bundak, R., Gökçay, G., Darendeliler, F., Baş, F. (2008). Türk çocuklarında vücut ağırlığı, boy uzunluğu, baş çevresi ve vücut kitle indeksi referans değerleri. Çocuk Sağlığı ve Hastalıkları Dergisi, 51, 1-14.
Unicef- Birleşmiş Milletler Çocuklara Yardım Fonu (2015). Dünya Çocuklarının Durumu Raporu, 2015.
Şanlıer N, Ersoy Y. Emziklilikte beslenme. Çocuk ve Beslenme. Morpa Kültür Yayınları, Ankara, 2003, s:59-128.
Williamson CS. Nutrition in pregnancy. Nutrition Bulletin 2006;31:28-59.
WHO.(2006). WHO child growth standarts. https://