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 School of Health Sciences -

Child Development

 Child and Sexual Education

The issue of sex education in our country, for the first time in 1974, Turkey Family Planning The Association's activities include the inclusion of training the society sexually and emphasized that the knowledge and attitudes of the youth should be investigated in the activities organized. When the scientific studies about sexual development and education are examined, it is seen that such studies have started to be done in the 1980s. Currently, universities, non-governmental organizations, various institutions and organizations have various studies on this subject.

Sexuality has always been in the process from birth to death and is considered an important part of personality. A newborn baby develops as well as sexually. The first 18 months of life are one of the most important periods in terms of learning of touch, learning love and trust in the world. People learn to be loved, loved and loved in infancy when their parents talk to them, hold them, kiss them, and meet their needs on time. The development of trust in the world is an important foundation for mental health, including the sexual health of adults. In fact, some researchers believe that, as a result of their studies, babies who are deprived of touch are affected by future adult sexuality. (Miracle, Miracle ve Baumeister, 2003; Greenberg, Bruess ve Haffner, 2004)
               Sexuality is a central part of being human. Human beings are born as sexual beings and are somehow to improve this sexual potential. Sexuality education helps prepare for life in establishing and maintaining satisfactory relationships, contributing to self-determination and positive development of personality. Expectations about the sex before the birth of the child, the child's clothes and the determination of the color of the preparation of birth conditions such as sexual education in a secret and unconscious way begins before birth. While giving birth to the baby's gender at birth, the words l you have a very beautiful daughter bir güzel have a beautiful son edil are meaningful words. Doing the care of parents during the daily life, touching her with love, to treat sex with baby, words used in naming body parts on sexuality and sexuality education with parents they begin to communicate, and the education that starts in this early period continues throughout life.
                Sexuality education, providing scientifically correct, realistic and non-judgmental information to be informed about sexuality and relationships in accordance with one's age, development level and culture. (World HealthOrganization, 2010). Bayhan ve Artan (2007) understand the sexual, emotional and sexual development of the individual, to develop a positive personality concept and to have a perspective that respects human sexuality, rights and opinions and behaviors of others. and positive behavior and value development training davranış and also the perception of the importance of sexuality among people; masculinity concepts, acquiring knowledge about social norms and values related to sexuality; disorientation of individuals, psychological distress, such as fear, shame and guilt; stated that they helped to educate talented people. Children should have gained the following attitudes towards sexuality when they reach primary school age. These attitudes also determine the extent of early childhood sexual education.
- Positive Image of the Body: The child should be taught that his body is beautiful, that he should value him and proud of him. If he thinks that sexual parts of the child's body are embarrassing and ashamed, he will develop false remarks that prevent him from adulthood, and he will be unhappy in his sexual life.
- A clear attitude: When you are open, accepting and honest about sexuality, the child will have an open and shameless attitude.
-Right information: The child should have accurate and adequate anatomical vocabulary to discuss sexual issues.
- Respectfulness: The child should not only be taught to respect, love or value his own body, but also to respect the privacy of others.
- Self-respect: It should be explained to the child that his body is only his person and that no one has the right to touch him without his permission. The difference between sexual harassment and love and touch must be explained without frightening the child.
Sexuality education should be based on the following principles:
-Civilization training begins with birth.
-Physical education should be appropriate to the age, development and comprehension level of the individual.
- Should be sensitive to cultural, social reactions and gender.
-Physical education should be based on a human right approach.
-Civilization education should be based on a holistic concept of well-being, including health.
-Cultural education should be based on the recognition of gender equality, decision making and diversity.
-Cultivation education should be understood by empowered individuals and communities as a contribution to a fair and compassionate society.
-Civilization education should be based on scientific correct knowledge.