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Child Development (English)

 Art and creativity in childhood

Istanbul Development University (İGÜ) School of Health Sciences (SBYO) by the Department of Child Development (TR) “Art and Creativity in Childhood" within the content of the course called Lecturer. See. Together with Buse Kerigan, suitable materials were designed for students and children aged 0-18.

• Creativity and Culture Consultancy Group in National Education (NACCE, 1999) hayal Imagination activity that provides a unique and valuable product ‘,
• Rein (2000) described creativity as the ability to influence ideas, facts and knowledge in new, unusual and unique ways.
 In the creative processes there are impulses, intuitions, analyzes and syntheses. As is believed, intuition is not a spontaneous, unfounded phenomenon that occurs suddenly in the right hemisphere of the brain. Elements that play a role in the emergence of creativity; Perception, Emotion, Image, Icon, Imagination, Metaphor.
Characteristics of creative individual;
• Express their feelings in non-verbal ways. For example, they use gestures and mimics, dance, paint, sing, create their music.
• Solve problems and gain skills on this subject.
• They create new meanings and thoughts.
• Describes the ways of understanding and understanding the world, responds, comprehends. For example; they play a role in their creative games.
• They use their thinking skills more.
• They do not have difficulty in following unusual taboos, unusual movements and thoughts.
They are careful enough to see the shortcomings around them.
• They are both full of energy and quiet and comfortable.
• They combine entertainment and discipline, responsibility and irresponsibility.
• They constantly protect themselves against conflicting situations and events inside and outside themselves.
• They create new perspectives, insights and judgments.
• People who have enough knowledge and experience to solve problems.
• Take advantage of opportunities.
• Find new solutions to overcome the difficulties they face.
• They wonder about everything, ask questions and make predictions.
• They are more inclined to research and experiment.
• They create new and different inventions.
• They keep their attention and attention on a subject for a long time.
• They pay attention to details, they feel wrong and incomplete.
Art is;
• “Art is the homeland of imagination. Although a definite definition cannot be made, art; It is an expression of the aesthetic relationship between human and objective realities in nature..
Art in children; Young children, like adults, take great pleasure in engaging in artistic activities to demonstrate their own skills and to better define the environment in which they live. The main purpose of art activities is to help better understand and define the subtleties of visual culture. Art in childhood should develop positive attitudes and attitudes, increase interest in artistic works, develop thinking and expressing thinking, stimulating imagination and creativity.
Art education programs to be implemented in general should provide some experience with the following characteristics:
• Intensive examination of both natural and man-made works of art,
• Helping children to express their personal feelings and thoughts in the best way through art works in which they can demonstrate their creative hand skills,
• Detailed examination of the materials used in art works and determination of the ones that can best demonstrate personal abilities,
• Working with tools and equipment in accordance with the personal abilities of children and satisfying their aesthetic feelings,
• So the main task of the experts should be to make environmental arrangements where the child can have concrete experiences. However, the child should learn some of these structures independently within these arrangements. Creative expression in art is that the child can find answers to some problem-solving situations with his / her own creative power without adult orientation.
 Art and Creativity in Childhood ”course, play materials were designed with the students for 0-18 age group. First of all, planning was made about which age group each student wanted to design and how to design a material. We discussed the development area of ​​these materials and guided the students to make appropriate choices. After the planning, researches were made on the appropriate material selector and the students were directed to start their studies in a way that they could use their creativity.
 The designed materials include objectives and gains for cognitive, psychomotor (big muscle-small muscle), music, self-care, science-mathematics skills. The durability, aesthetics, suitability for the specified age group, the suitability of the target area, the level of usability for the children and the selected materials should not be harmful to the children.