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 School of Health Sciences -


 The seminar on “What to Know About Hearing Loss and Laryngeal Cancer” was held

Istanbul Gelisim University (IGU) Vocational School of Health Services Health Institutions Management Program held a seminar on "What to Know About Hearing Loss and Laryngeal Cancer". In the seminar, causes of hearing loss, external effects of hearing loss, symptoms of laryngeal cancer, risk factors and treatment methods were discussed.

Otorhinolaryngology Specialist Assoc. Dr. Murat Ulusan and Prof. Dr. Serkan Orhan met with the students at the seminar " What to Know About Hearing Losses and Laryngeal Cancer" organized at IGU.
Assoc. Dr. Murat Ulusan pointed out that the most frequent cancer is the larynx cancer in Turkey and said that the biggest risk factor should be avoided smoking adding that the age of the people being laryngeal cancer is over 45 years and is more common in men than women.

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