School of Health Sciences -

Social Work

 Epilepsy and Life Conference was organized by School of Health Sciences Department of Social Work

"Epilepsy and life" conference was organized by Social Work Club of İstanbul Gelisim University on 04.12.2018.

The conference, which was held at the IGU Taskent conference hall and moderated by the social work club, provided information on the characteristics of epilepsy, what should be done in epilepsy and the public's view of epilepsy. Ebru ÖZTÜRK, the founder of the Epilepsy and Life Platform, participated in the conference as a speaker. Ebru OZTURK, a patient with epilepsy himself, said that this disease, known as epilepsy, affects the quality of life of the individual and that the patients are subjected to discrimination and exclusion. It was mentioned that epilepsy occurred as a result of abnormal electrical current occurring in nerve cells during normal activities of the brain. It was discussed that epileptic seizures differ between individuals and what should be done in the crises. In particular, it was stated that there was a lack of information about major errors during the intervention of epileptic seizures and about epilepsy. Moreover, the right interventions to treat the individual who had epilepsy crisis towards the end of the conference were explained with a short-term practice.

It was discussed that the difficulties faced by the patients with epilepsy and the discrimination they were exposed to caused multidimensional problems. Information was given on the importance of social and legal regulations and on the problems of epilepsy patients in their family life and in their immediate environment. Since there were also epileptic patients among the listeners, individual life experiences were witnessed. Various statistics were referred to with reference to scientific researches that this disease causes psychological disorders such as depression, anxiety and stress.
Finally, in the question and answer section, which was held with the participation of the audience, the answers to the questions that confused the minds of the students were searched. In this section, the students agreed that the epilepsy is within us and within us, but that this situation is not known as a result of social pressure.

Following the speeches of Ebru ÖZTÜRK, Betül ÇOLAK, a lecturer at the Istanbul Gelisim University School of Health Sciences, presented Ebru ÖZTÜRK with a plaque and thus ended the conference.